Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Barney I Hear You

The art of confusion. In this picture is a marvelous job of towel art by our cabin steward on our recent cruise, a really great monkey hanging in our stateroom on our return from the evenings activities. I couldn't resist the impulse, after a formal dinner, clad in my monkey suit to imitate the other monkey in the room. In reality what you are looking at are two towels and a 67 year old man showing too much indulgence.
I have seen the reaction to congress about the AIG bonuses and the outrage faked by them in answer to the public outcry of those who are actually paying the bill, the taxpayer. I listened to Barney Frank very closely as he represents what our current legislators are to a tee. He said and I paraphrase what I heard, "That we might not be able to do anything about paying these crooks the bonuses that we authorized but since "he" now owns them he can fire them!"
I hear you Barney!!! That's exactly what I plan to do. Until they have the good sense and interest of the taxpayers at heart in D.C. to pass term limits and stop their own special interests and welfare, I plan to go into the voting booth and fire them.
I believe this is the only action we can take that will get their attention. Maybe then they will stop feeding us "Kool Ade" and start acting in the interest of the people instead of their special interests. I beg all who read this to join me and start enacting "change we can believe in".

1 comment:

  1. Well put! Have you read his latest plans for our veterans? That'll really set your teeth on edge.
