Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Quote

Wisdom from God
shows itself most clearly
in a loving heart.
Lloyd John Ogifivie

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday Thoughts

National Healthcare------lets see the Post Office is a well run Government venture, God knows Social Security is well managed, seems Medicare/Medicaid is well run and the oversight by our President and Congress is beyond compare!!
Seriously what can we do but accept what they decide to do. I have written my Arkansas Senators and Representative and e-mailed repeatedly.
I got an e-mail reply from Blanche Lincoln that was a canned line that read like it was written by Obama's Ghost Writer. Yesterday after many contacts earlier with Mark Pryor on the Budget and stopping the rampant spending I got a letter telling me why I was wrong and they knew better what was needed (it was a long way from balancing the check book and looking to the future of our children and grandchildren). I have heard nothing from those in the house on my contacts, guess they are too busy looking for ways to spend to listen or respond to their home folk.
Looks like there are two choices for me. Either I move to another country, which I can't afford and I only speak english, besides I didn't spend ten years in the U.S.M.C. and and over 50 years of tax paying to leave and give up on the once Land of the Free. Looks like the only choice I have is to use my one vote to never again vote for an incumbent politician and get them out of office before they become enamored with their perceived importance and power.
I would say put them in the unemployment line but they have a gravy train for the rest of their lives at our children's expense. Isn't it interesting how they had time to take care of their own retirement and medical needs. If they had to go on Social Security and Medicare I think they might get their priorities straight and fix a few things.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Shot

Our hope is not in wealth, success nor does it come from local or federal governments. Our hope is in happiness, life and health, all as Violet reminds us comes from above. God grant us the faith of your little children.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Words

A thing of beauty

Is a joy Forever.

John Keats

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday Words

One thing remains constant in America.
When it seems our president has no idea of what it means to be an American.
When liberal unpatriotic ideologies are becoming the law.
When the Constitution is only an inconvenience to immoral politicians.
When we turn our back on the words of God on which our great nation was founded.
That constant is the men and women who serve our nation in uniformed service.
Air Force, Army, Navy or Marines their bravery and loyalty to duty is the only hope of restoring patriotism.
Pray for those who serve and have served and understand what America is all about and the cost it takes to keep it free, and when you pray remember their families who sacrifice for their service.
Remember young people the words of John Kennedy, "Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country!"

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday's Shot

This little fellow is found only in the Hawaiian Islands.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday's Shot

In Pearl Harbor rests the Arizona Memorial----
In the land of the free rests the soul's of the brave.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Words

The happiness of life is
made up of little things----
a smile, a hug a moment
of shared laughter.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday Words

The past few days I hesitate to turn on the television. It seems you cannot get any news other than the sanctification of an overdosed self indulged singer. What is wrong with our culture? Our real hero's are serving and dying in Iraq and Afganistan. Wake up America and quit being blinded by the glamor of the decadant. While the press is centered on the loss of a singer our President is in Russia giving up who knows what and Congress is busy looking for more ways to put us further in debt. Change we can believe in!

Besides if Mr. Jackson was truly a practicing Jehovah's Witness he is concerned today with more than what the world thinks of him.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Shot

Mona Loa Crater, Hawaii. The crater is six miles long and four miles wide at its largest points. To be there is to get a feel of what it must be like on the moon's surface.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday Words

They say the English Language is the hardest language to master of all languages. I wonder why when we drive on a Parkway and park on a driveway. Why do we spell much instead of mutch when much is pronounce muck as in its sounding. It seems to me that if muly refers to a mule then July shoud refer to a girls name instead of a month. You can see there are some useful changes I would make if I were president and they would not cost the tax payer one red cent!