Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Shot

Molting has been done and the cardinals are starting to get their bright red color back.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Quote

"Having someone who understands is a great blessing to ourselves. Being someone who understands is a great blessing to others."
Janette Okg

Thursday, August 27, 2009

It Is Not To Late

Well it is beginning. A certain recently deceased senator who long served past his usefulness to America is being made into a saint by the media and his political party and his memory is being used to advance their most recent unpopular and deadly cause the nationalization of health services to eliminate another trumped up emergency.
Remember the emergency that led to the massive amount of money needed to save the economy. It has not done anything but help those who have made bad business choices and should have had to face the consequences for their irresponsible actions. It is not to late. Only a small amount of these funds that were needed under the pretense that if not spent immediately we would face the end of our economy. We still have an economy (though Washington is working to destroy it as we know it) and we still have the money awaiting the irresponsible decisions of our government to spend it. I urge all Americans to demand that the money be spent in the only reasonable way our situation demands. It be returned to the taxpayers (whose money after all it is) and used to retire its portion of the National Debt. Lets start demanding the same thing that applies to the average family in America. If I am responsible I cannot spend others money to pay for my responsibilities, if I am responsible and wish to remain solvent I must only spend that which I not only can afford but only that which I have. America we should demand no less of those who work for us.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

No Comment

My heartfelt prayers to the Kennedy family for their loss. Since my mother raised me to speak well of the deceased I have no comment.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Need to Confess

I need to confess something. For most of my life I have claimed to be neither democrat nor republican but American. Yet I find myself usually voting for the republican. Since I am trying to confess here let me be honest 99.9% of the time it was a vote for what I considered to be the lesser of the evils. Which brings me to my confession I will no longer vote this way but vote my convictions in this way I can at least feel I have risen above the problem that entraps us.
For anyone who cares, even those who are now watching our every move and calling us names that apply to most of them, this is what a candidate must believe to receive my vote.
First he or she must be willing to work for and accept term limits.
Second he or she must be willing to vote against all deficit spending and promise to work toward retiring our national debt all under a balanced yearly budget.
Third he or she must have shown that they have lived their life as if the accept and believe in and will support the Constitution of the Republic.
Lastly he or she must believe in and trust the American people. They must believe as did our forefathers that our people are our strength and hope, that power must come from the people, who can represent themselves through strong States Rights with a Federal Government limited to only those powers expressly named in the Constitution.
If I cannot find someone who holds these beliefs that I can vote for I pledge to vote out of power all those on my ballot who do not hold with these beliefs.
Would you not join me? Establish your own list of priorities, hold to them under God and take an active stance to rebuild our nation to greatness. Our forefathers warned us of the dangers of career politicians who become entrenched and seek only to insuring they are secure and prosperous.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday's Shot

Got this dude on his way to Canada. Can you find him and name him? More in coming pictures.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Quote

We are a Republic not a Democracy
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force, like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."
George Washington

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Moral Responsibitity

Yesterday insult was added to injury. We were told it was our moral responsibility to have the government become the preferred medical provider. Washington let me express what I think is immoral. Immoral is what has transpired in government over the past several decades.
It is a sin to tell a lie and a lie is when you say one thing and hold another in your heart. What is immoral is the debt our national leaders have incurred.
They have not only burdened our children with a debt they will have to deal with, they have passed it on to our grand-children and unfortunately it will soon encompass their unborn children and grandchildren. My personal share of the annual interest payment on our national debt is far more than than what my income will be over the next two years.
Mr. President and congress if you want to do what is morally right stop spending money that we do not have and deal with real emergency facing our country-----the debt we are passing to our future generations. God forgive you for your recklessness and God forgive the electorate for tolerating it for so long.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Does Anyone Remember?

The government is now in charge of many big banks, two of the three U.S. automakers and if their past is any omen of what is to come will soon be in charge of our health industry.
Does anybody remember this? I was reminded shockingly while readin Glenn Beck's Common Sense and this is quoted from the book.
"Perhaps you've forgotten that house members once bounced more than 8,331 checks on their own personal bank, the House Bank--forcing it to close due to their own incompetence and greed. Does it strike anyone else as arrogance that the same politicians who couldn't run their own bank are now vested in more than 500 banks, including some of the largest ones in the country.
Have you already forgotten how our leaders looked us in the eye and pledged to fix their House Bank problem, only to promptly bounce an additional 4,325 checks.
Have you forgotten how no bounced check fees or overdraft fees were charged, because the House Bank didn't impose those pesky and expensive fees that you and I whould have to pay given the exact given circumstances?
It is time for change we can believe in and that will only come when we replace politicians with American patriots and you and I have the power to do that. One last thing if you are considering buying a new car and taking advantage of the governments "cash for clunkers program", stop and think where your cash boon is coming from---if you don't know thing about this it adds to our defecit that our children and grand-children will have to pay. We will never get physical responsibility from Washinton until we demand it and we can't demand it if we don't practice it.
Just my openion but believe me I learned it the hard way.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Does It Mean To Us

Can anybody out there tell me who wrote these words and if they should be important to us today?
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Shot

Normally I would just post this peacful picture with a short comment but times and events prevent me from doing so. There is too much going on that needs to be talked about and resisted.
There is in my openion an organized movement to change our country as we know it.
If you are getting your information from any source other than the internet blogs of everyday Americans or resiable news sources (in my openion Fox News, The Wall Street Journal or to some extent the Washington times) you are getting information under the control of those who seek to change our nation as we know it.
Government does not know best America. Just open your eyes and look at what has transpired over the last 15 years. Republican and Democrats alike have sold us out and run us to such debt we need to stand with one voice and say enough. Enough with the lies and self created emergencies. Enough with the massive spending that is lining the pockets of those who created the problem (Washington not Wall Street and Big Business). It is time to tell Washinton to get out of the way of private industry and allow American inginuity to solve our problems. One small example is energy. We have enough oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear know how to make America self suffecient and the envy of the world but Washington and their self interest groups stand in the way promoting the lie of global warming. News Flash!!! God is in charge of creation not the environmentalists or Washington DC. We are mearly stewards of what He has given us.
This world will be ended on God's terms not Washinton's or the Green Movement. This Nation will be strong when its people are strong and God Fearing not subjects of a Self serving Big Brother.
Just my openion.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Words

When there,s love at home
there is beauty all around.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This is P.B. Squirt. He is my constant companion since my retirement. He knows only one way in life -- his. He sleeps most of the time and somehow unknown to me knows when it is 6am,
3pm and 9pm which are our standard feeding times.
He can be caring, when he chooses to.
He can be agressive, when he chooses to.
He can be smart, when he chooses to.
Mostly he just sleeps and eats and in his mind that is due him by virtue of who he is.
I am ashamed to say that I see the same attributes in our countries current leaders (president, speaker of the house and senate). They have their ideas and agendas which is what they will force upon us, it doesn't matter what we want, what the Constitution says or which of God's Commandments they tread on. I have a grand child who just turned 5 and doesn't have the slightest idea what this current adminestration has done to her future. Her generation will have a staggering debt to pay the world and will probably have to learn to speak Chinese to survive.
Before you dismiss what I say as right wing bitterness, racial hatred, or call me unAmerican let me say I have worked since the age of 14, raised to believe if you didn't work you didn't eat. I served in the Marines for 10 year and am a VietNam veteran. I am proud of my country and the office of the president, senate and house are respected in my heart. I still think the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are the greates pieces of wisdom ever written and I hold the second only to the Bible.
I am ashamed of what our country and its leader have become. We need a new set of leaders who not only have the will to stand up for THEIR AGENDA and convictions but for the will of the people, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Word of God. These are the truths on which our country was founded and will stand or fall. I only pray God will be merciful over the next few years till we can vote our concience and find responsible leaders.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Shot

God's simple beauty.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday's Quote

Home is the one place in
all this world where hearts
are sure of each other.
Frederick W. Robertson

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday Words

Is it just me, full of doubt and cynicism or is the world really upside down. On the news this morning they are celebrating the release of the two reporters through the efforts of Bill Clinton.
Give me a break.
The two young women were caught where they knew they shouldn't be. The punishment seemed harsh by our standards, 12 years for illegally entering foreign soil, after all we welcome and make available the perks of our country to those who enter illegally.
The Koreans asked for Bill Clinton as a negotiator, what a political slap in the face to the Obama reign. Once again the Koreans have shown they have no respect for weakness. My first thought was that the girls were really in harms way on the flight home with Bill Clinton. I could name several women who would agree with that statement and I wonder if Hillery had the same thoughts.
Lucky the fish in our photo. He faces his life head on and succeeds or fails on his own actions.
Maybe its just me but I place my hope in God not politicians, God has never lied to me.

Monday, August 3, 2009