Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Words

They are doing so well at the post office that they can now cut back on delivery dates. With the government now in charge how long will it be before we cut back on doctor days?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Words

It is time to stop hiding our heads. If you are like me in this fall coming elections my vote will not go to any career politico, lawyer or anyone who does not believe in a literal translation of the two most important documents in American History; the Constitution and the Holy Bible.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday Words

Being cool is fun to do. I remember when I turned thirty. That was the hardest age for me. I went out a bought a pair of pink and maroon checkered bell bottom slacks and a maroon shirt to go with them. A vain attempt to be cool and younger --- thank God there is no picture to record the event.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday Words

The greatest gift in this life, our children and grandchildren, who we owe the future. I am ashamed of what my generation has allowed to happen to this the most prized gift we can pass to the next generation. As we sat and worried what would be our future we failed to guard what has been most precious to us.
Our Republic and freedoms are melting right before our eyes and the hope that each of us had entering into adulthood the freedom to be and achieve whatever the sweat of our brow could bring us is slowly being eroded. We are infected with a sickness called greed which leads to denial and trust in what man can do without the guidance of a benevolent Father.
Our government daily flaunts His Law in the hope of staying in control. May God save us from ourselves.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday Words

One of my good friends and former mentor and colleague just recently went in for his annual physical. It resulted in multiple bypass surgery.
Larry is about my age and has worked hard to advance himself and his company, from whom he has received the highest praise and their most coveted of awards. More importantly he is known among his peers as someone who is always there for them.
I thank God for him being a part of my life. I also thank God for a medical system that was able to spot his problem and act swiftly to prevent an eventual disaster for him and his family as well as all those who love him.
I write this to say, "Thank you Larry for being there when I needed you and reminding us how fragile life is, but also representing what is great about America. Hard work, loyalty, accountability, dependability all words that come to mind when I think of my friend Larry.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday Words

In the wake of our ever expanding federal government and our ever growing national debt, I would like to call all who would read this to the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
I have studied the Constitution more in the last year than at any time in my 68 years of life. I fear for our future generations who are not being taught the intent of our founding fathers but rather conditioned to rely on a central government instead of self reliance and responsibility that freedom brings. Please read our Constitution and early writings of our founding fathers and see if you do not agree with me that most of what our elected officials do, after taking an oath to uphold the very Constitution they violate daily, is destroying the future of a once free Republic. Just my opinion!

Tuesday Words

Sometimes words said show more about the person speaking than what is said. For instance yesterday when the speaker of the house said, "We need to pass this bill (health care) so the American people can know what is in it."
WOW, that wasn't an earthquake you felt, it was George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and other founders and defenders who gave their lives for our Republic rolling over in their graves.

Monday Words

The government is investigating Toyota safety, makes a skeptic like me wonder if being part owners in G.M. has anything to do with it.
Lawyers are lining up to find owners of Toyota's to amass class action lawsuits.
Last month Toyota's sales were up 50%.
I it because of great deals by Toyota......great cars produced by Toyota......or do people trust Toyota more than those investigating and reporting on them?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Quote

This quote hung over the entrance to the Marine Force Recon area in PhuBi Marine Air Base, Vietnam.
"Yea thou I walk through the valley of death....I will fear no evil,
because I am the meanest mother in the valley?"
I cleaned it up a bit for public reading but its meaning runs true for the attitude one must have when entering combat, it is not a game but a life or death confrontation. This is needed not only by our troops is harms way but by those who support them. All wars must be fought with the intention of winning we have somehow lost this truth, a politically correct army is a force destined to be defeated by the meanest mother in the valley. Just my opinion.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday Words

Oh my God! Will they never get it? Health care, global warming and on and on. Mr. President Mr. & Mrs. Congressman what the American people want is smaller government, accountability and a balanced budget. STOP SPENDING OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE. IT IS TIME WE ALL LIVED WITHIN OUR MEANS AND RETURNED TO THE VALUES PUT FORTH IN OUR CONSTITUTION.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday Words

Did you hear about the congressman who broke his neck raking leaves?
He fell out of the tree.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday Words

When I was a preteen and teenager my passion was baseball. I was a huge Detroit Tiger fan. My idols were Al Kaline, Frank Larry and Jim Bunning.

Jim Bunning was known to throw one high and tight to keep batters honest and the past couple of days he has been throwing that fast ball high and tight in the U.S. Senate. Jim I have never been prouder of you than I am right now and can only hope your type of courage will become the norm in Washington. On behalf of my grandchild I thank you and urge you to keep up the fight for integrity in government.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Words

It is Monday, a new day, a new week and a new month.
The same old government attempt to expand into health care,
the same old spending and the debt keeps rising.
Even so Lord Jesus come quickly.