Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday Words

Sometimes we tend to be a little to sensitive. We see others remarks as unfair to our sensitivity and we respond with sarcasm or spite, one thing leads to another, you know what I mean.
My mother used to tell me God gave you two eyes, two ears and one mouth you ought to see and hear twice as much as you say and you will be a lot better off. After sixty eight years I would like to add to that old saw.
God also gave us two feet to go with those two eyes, two ears and one mouth. Maybe He intended for us to walk away a couple of times and think it over before we speak. Listen much, see as much as possible, walk in the other persons shoes and speak from the heart what you have learned.
Wouldn't we all be better off?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Words

The Arizona Memorial, a monument to the strength of the American individuals who rose to meet our greatest challenge.
I challenge you in 2010 to study our history from not the standpoint of of national history but look back at the lives of individual average men and women who in each generation have held true to the beliefs and rights set forth in our Constitution and our given by our Creator.
Look not to the ideologies set for by modern historians and legislators but to those of our forefathers. Seek to understand what inspired those men and women who rose from among our population who truly shaped who we are. Men like George Washington, Henry Ford, Martin Luther King and women like Betsy Ross, Carrie Nations and all those who came not from privilege but rose from among us as freedom loving people who did inspiring things and made us what we are. Our greatness is not in who we are but what we have been, free men and women willing to sacrifice self for freedom and liberty. Men and women whose lives give testimony to what government by the people for the people is all about.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday Quote

I'm back and 2010 is here. What a change;
We have a terrorist plea bargaining in court,
Global warming is still a fact (it is 19degrees in Little Rock today),
and though God according to our Constitution has given us certain inalienable rights now congress has replace God in giving us the right of medical care! My quote for the week is from the book of Acts chapter 28:26-27, the words of Paul:
"Go to this nation and say: you will hear and hear again and not understand, see and see again and not perceive. For the heart of this nation has grown course, for ears are dull of hearing and they have shut their eyes, for fear they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and be converted and be healed by me."