Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Words

Bear says, "I was reminded today by someone I love it is important for us to be sure what we do expresses our faith. If your faith is based in the One True God and the redeeming grace shown in His example on the cross and led by His Spirit which dwells in the true believer one can overcome the forces of evil. Note I said overcome evil true faith does not eliminate evil but makes us aware of its presence. One of the best examples in simple terms is found in the old Tom and Jerry cartoons. When Tom or Jerry would face a choice a little angel Tom or Jerry would encourage right in one ear while a little devil Tom or Jerry would encourage wrong in the other. Simplistic yes but as true today as it was on the Cross the world in black and white, good and evil there is no gray area.
Our angel is found in God's Word and Spirit, our devil is found in men and their worldly knowledge. I say listen to His Word and live by faith in Him and let no man, government or worldly religion temp you from His Word."

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