Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Catcher In The Rye vs Spiderman

Unbelievable. Instead of requiring students to read and report on the classics so called educators are letting students read and report on whatever they want to. They say that books such as Catcher In The Rye are not interesting to youth today and it leads to poor participation and poor reading skills, that by allowing them to read what they choose they actually read and eagerly report on these subjects. Wow!
Kind of sounds like the inmates are running the asylum. The problem is they cannot fail those who do not achieve and it is one of the major problems wrong with our society and government today.
It leaves out the fact that to achieve in the real world you have to eagerly attack tasks that are not fun and that you need to be held accountable for the completion of these tasks.
Our children need to learn some tasks are difficult and must be completed in order to be successful. This is called responsiblity and leads to accountablility.

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