Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Words

I am sending the following letter to the White House and congress and hope that all who read this would do the same.
"I am not writing as a concerned democrat or republican but as a distressed grandparent. In my sixty-seven years of dedication to this nation and its constitution never have I seen a president or congress so out of touch with the people it supposedly serves and so unwilling to listen to its people.
I have written my concerns to the white house and all I got was a letter telling me how great they were doing and the great changes they were bringing. No mention of the concerns I wrote about.
I have written all my congressional representatives and either received a form letter telling me why they were doing what they were doing or no answer at all.
I say to all of them that in my case their careers in politics are over as far as I am concerned and since I have no option but to beg to any decency they might have (as that seems to be the only options I have left). Mr. President and Mr. and Mrs. Congressman please stop spending money you don't have. We need medical reforms but we can not continue to increase the debt our grandchildren will have to bear. We do not need environmental regulations that will lay a burden on us and future generations. You pick and choose those you believe about the environment when the majority of scientist and population say global warming is a myth.
Besides God is in control of that and not Washington D.C. or self interest groups. I beg you stop the wasteful spending, stop spreading your half truths and accept responsibility for the debt you have created and get off the back of working Americans and allow the American people to restore it economy. Please, please I beg you stop trying to grow your interests and concentrate on eliminating the debt you have place on our children and grandchildren."
A Scared American,
George Plaisted

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