Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday Words

Washington, I know you don't like to listen and I know your are intolerant of those who don't agree with the mindless things you do but I want to try and relate my 67 years of life to your actions.
I retired last year after working for 54 years of my life.
I paid into social security for all those working years. You took the money and spent it as you saw fit instead of building security for me as you promised. If it were all I had to retire on after working for 54 years I would be below the poverty level for my remaining years. Nice job on my federal retirement funds, some how I think I would have used that money more wisely.
I served in the U.S.M.C. for a little over ten years and am a veteran of Vietnam. A war in which the generals and fighting men were hampered by meddling from Washington. A war we could have won in half the time and lives it took to loose it without interference from those without the courage to serve. Yet today you are still trying to do the same thing to our brave men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Give them what they need and get out of their way or bring them home and face the results. Oh, and by the way thanks for my veterans benefits, which to my surprise when I need them I find you have placed a time limit on. I couldn't file for them while I was working and insured and now that I am retired I find I should have signed up when I couldn't. Another good job.
Looking back on my life and ahead at my granddaughter's life I ask myself why should I trust you with anything. All of you who have been there more than two terms should do the honorable thing and retire and as you leave pass two more laws, term limits and a crime to be a professional politician. You all need to be looking for an honest job in the economy you have created.
Remember the oath of office you swore and the promises you made to receive our trust. I could go on and on and wind up with a book but why you aren't listening to anyone but those who can help you feather your nest and advance your causes. Oh, one more thing you had better listen too; we out here are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore. You can call us astro-turf and scoff but the day of reckoning is coming. Acorn and all the other things like the taking over of the census will not save you. You will be reminded who you work for as we seek to restore accountability and honesty in the sacred halls of our government.