Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Quote

Here is F.D.R.'s most famous with an addition I don't think he would have approved of.....
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself...and oh yes an out of control federal government!"
As I was following my own advice yesterday and keeping an eye on the president's health care dog and pony show an idea for a constitutional amendment I think I could support came to mind.
What if congress could not pass laws but only resolutions. What if they could only pass if they had a two thirds majority of all parties represented in congress. What if these resolutions could only stay in effect until the next general election and then must be placed on the ballot and would become law when approved by the majority of the voters.
I think this would stop the bi-partisan bickering, greatly inhibit special interests and do what the founding fathers intended by limiting the federal government. Just my opinion.


  1. And - at the same time - how about term limits for some of these long term politicians whose only task is to make sure they get reelected!!

    Interesting movie to watch - Goldie Hawn in "Protocol"

  2. Its never gonna happen but should be a part of any real conservatives platform.
